Light Bright Christmas holidays - 12/26/04 |
This whole album is lights! The first two from a house that went a little overboard. The second two from a house worthy of the title "Larry's Winter Wonderland" (see those photos for explination), a couple of our christmas tree and the rest from driving throug the Santa Clara Festival Of Lights! To my sister Lyndsey: Sorry I missed our christmas light counting! Here are a few more lights to count!!! Comments (12/19/04) |
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Title: Larry's Winter Wonderland Part II |
The story here is that in college a professor or mine created a very unique Christmas yard as his "gift to the community". It included every plastic lightu p figure imaginable all positioned about 2 feet from at last 3 or 4 other plastic light up figures. Add in a few music playing lights and other lightup moving things and you have the tackiest, kitch yard EVER!!! It was great, we would visit every year and our friend Ryan even wrote a song for our tour. This house is the closest thing to that I have yet found. Next year I will continue the search. |